Monday, June 25, 2012

Did She Say "Free Pilates Exercises for Pregnancy?"

Sweating, breathing, squeezing your partner's hand; they finally tell you that it's time to push!

You have no choice but to dig in and wait for the next contraction. You feel that crazy powerful pressure coming on again, so you bear down and do as they tell you. It's unlike anything you've ever felt. It's awkward at first. You try again....

The clock ticks as everyone shouts at you like your running with a football. But you've had a bad back for months and you've spent most of your spare time resting. You've allowed your muscles to weaken in an attempt to avoid pain or injury. You're completely exhausted. You can't push anymore.

Pregnant with my first baby, I remember telling my OBGYN that I was sore after doing water aerobics. I was offended at first when he started laughing. He gently let me know that I don't need to be concerned about the normal aches that go along with a good workout. He let me know that it won't hurt the baby and that it would help make the birth easier!

As I had more children I saw that the more reasonably active I was during the first 36 weeks, the easier it was to get through the last four, and the quicker I recovered! My free local pilates sessions are uniquely designed to keep you strong and flexible and feeling great before and during your pregnancy.

When the baby comes and you are home-bound for a while, safe, online pilates for birth recovery classes are a convenient and affordable way to get your body back in the shortest time possible. And you can try it for two weeks free.

Why Pilates for Pregnancy?

  • Safety. Pilates exercises are slow and controlled.
  • Ease. You can start at any fitness level.
  • Convenience. You can do them at home on the floor.
  • Effectiveness. Women who do pilates are stronger and less prone to injury.
  • Universalness. Physical therapists use many pilates exercises for their patients.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Real Women Have Babies

Remember before you had your second child? I'm not talking about those of you who can't get pregnant. You were concerned with things like your toenails and your clean counter tops. Now your thoughts go to "Will I sleep tonight?"and "Will I actually use that running stroller?"

I know you still care about details, but you've had to let go of some of them. The clutter around you and is something you my not have tolerated B.C. (before children). And that bathroom!

Well I'm here to congratulate you. As much as we try to fight the monkey on our back which says "look at your messy house! You need to get those weeds pulled! You haven't sent that card yet!" You, my dear, have likely become a more full, more accepting, and a more loving person.

When you delineate priorities and pull back; when you shelve, for a time, priorities number 3, 4, and for God's sake number 5, you put yourself on the level of the millionaire entrepreneur. Women who have to tackle the task of managing little ones and a home and a job of some sort, and learn to stay positive, are powerful beyond imagination.

Fine Points:

Every day we make choices concerning how we think and use our time. When we work on the very basic task of choosing thoughts that encourage ourselves, that cut us a break; when we choose to back off when we are getting irritated, to see the cuteness of our son when we gently take the paring knife out of his little hand, we move in a direction of amazing power.

What's so great about that? Moms of little ones have the gift of many opportunities to practice this power throughout the day. This is the reason motherhood is praised.

But We Have a Choice

The other side is that most of these opportunities happen when no one is looking. Our character test as moms, often feels like walking in unprepared for MCATs. The toilet overflows. Someone chooses to cry all the way home. Even something as significant as a difficult marriage.

But we do have one great advantage. We can begin again at any time! How? By doing something to help ourselves relax and feel good. Maybe we need to let things go and lye on the floor and let them play around us for a while. Maybe we can bite the bullet and let someone watch them so we can go for a walk, talk to God, or work out by ourselves. Whatever it takes to shift our mood back to feeling pretty good, liking ourselves, and thinking about things that keep us in that place.

Trust yourself. Prioritize staying positive. Believe me, you are creating a great future by feeling good now!