Oh YES. We love that word during the holidays. "Can you come to my cookie party? Should I send cards to all of them? Do I shop for gifts for those less fortunate?"
If you're like most of the women I meet through pilates classes, the word "yes" adds a good bit more running in our schedules this time of year. Attendance at my pilates studio tends to go down during the holidays.
We need to create as many hours as we can in each day. Having mental clarity and energy creates time. So what are some ways that we can keep energy flowing naturally throughout the day?
Eating well while stabilizing our blood sugar can be difficult when we're in and out of the car, stores, and all the other giving that many of us do. Here are a few tips that can help.
Keep low glycemic snacks in the car, your purse, and in backpacks. I do not mean carrot sticks and fat free snack bars. GORP (good old raisins and peanuts) minus the M+Ms, nuts, even cheese sticks will stay fresh this time of year. You can boil and shell several eggs, sprinkle a little paprika or salt on them in a ziplock bag and there's your energy through the afternoon until dinner. Turkey jerky is a great satisfying snack. Very dark chocolate with some almonds can boost energy without boosting and crashing blood sugar. Invest in a nice large travel mug and get in the habit of filling it with some wonderful tea before leaving the house. You'll be less tempted to get highly sweetened drinks.
Be creative and make a plan. All these will will reduce cravings for the endless sweets we are exposed to this time of year. You will also feel a sense of peace in controlling your eating that many of you haven't felt in a while.
Have more energy. Enjoy the people around you. Accomplish more. What could make you feel better than that this holiday season?
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