Many people begin coming to my pilates classes because they want to release the stress in their life. I can tell they are stressed because it's difficult for them to enjoy themselves when they are working out. They have trouble staying in the moment with their bodies.
No matter what you are going through: whether your car ran out of gas, or you stepped on a piece of glass, or your husband hit you, or your daughter just informed you that she has a VD, you CAN manage and decrease the stress in your life.
Why do I use such graphic examples? Because many of us have a dirty little secret which says, "She can't be referring to me. My life has REAL stress."or "But she doesn't know how I feel."
I may not know exactly how you feel, but I have discovered the source of stress control. But first lets look at what stress can do to your body. The body reacts by:
- Producing too much adrenalin. This causes compromise to the liver, heart, and adrenals.
- Over producing cortisol. This causes weight gain and depression.
- Excess insulin. Weight gain and food cravings result here.
Everything that happens to us physiologically is the result of our choice of thought. Too simplistic an answer? Think about it. The next time you are feeling really alive and happy, pay attention to your thoughts. You will find that they are positive. You will find that you can't feel really good and have critical, negative thoughts floating through your mind no matter what the outer circumstances.
People often remark that I am a very positives person. Is my life easier than yours? I don't know. But I am willing to put such a priority on feeling good, that I work on refusing to let negative people or influences affect me, and I work on becoming aware of my own thoughts so that I can do what it takes to shift them to gratitude and love. We can focus on something we like, or something nice that happened to us instead of on the negative thing that wants our attention.
You can do this in a police car, in an ambulance, in a courtroom, or in your bed at night. Again I use these example to help those of you whom I addressed above.
Working on this every day is the key to true health. Fitness and diet will all come together as we start with feeling good now. Do you agree?