We've heard that before, but some of the healthiest people I know, including me, enjoy it every day. Lets unpack this.
Yes, coffee is acidic and we must balance this by eating as much raw food as we can. Fruits and veggies, raw almonds, and of course avoiding processed, sugar based, over cooked (yuck) choices.
More than two eight oz cups a day can be too much. Moderation is key in everything. Used other than during pregnancy, organic, pesticide free, coffee has several health benefits.
Flavonoids and nutrients are abundant in good smelling freshly ground beans. Maybe that's why some of us love the smell only.
Coffee is a whole food with bioflavonoids (which are actually powerful antioxidants) and other nutrients. It has been researched and found that populations who drink organic, freshly ground from the whole bean coffee have much lower incidents of Alzheimer's.
Research also shows that coffee creates something called BDNS. According to Dr. Ori Hoffmaster, this process actually activates stem cells to rebuild! (lots of research being done around this.) High quality coffee activates this in the brain. It's like recycling brain tissue. This process also benefits muscle in a similar way.
Rancid coffee, or coffee broken down into isolate form can result in the same problems that MSG causes - destroying brain cells - and the resulting neurological effect. Isolate coffee is found in instant, and canned sweetened coffee or anywhere you see fast food versions like "cappuccino" from a machine.
When we are really picky about our coffee and don't overuse it, we reap the benefits of a mood enhancement, brain improvement and oxidative stress management. When we use instant, canned sweetened coffee drinks or stale ground coffee we make our body work harder to heal the oxidative stress caused by taking toxins in.
Try high quality coffee without the cream and sugar. You may wonder why you were using it. It could be that you were trying to cover the taste of rancid beans, or coffee isolate. Keep the beans in the freezer. Learn the great flavor of coffee at its best. As you refine your palate for this and other foods, enjoyment and health will improve.
Now you have something to say when you hear coffee getting a bad rap.
I love the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, without milk or cream. The dairy really changes how it smells! And, I imagine, changes the taste, too (I don't care for the flavor either way).