Monday, February 27, 2012

What is Virtual Fitness?

Remember when you heard about the iPhone? People were saying that they could read email on their phone. You heard them talking about surfing the internet through their phone.

What did your mind do with that?

When the human brain receives information it attempts to categorize according to the existing data. We try to make sense of new things given what we know. We are living in a time in history when new ideas and inventions come so fast that many of us believe we can never catch up.

The fact is, we can't. The good news is that when we make our best attempt at keeping up with a few of our favorite topics we gain a tremendous amount in value and convenience; things that make our lives better or more fun!

Some of us may be familiar with the gaming systems that can "feel" your movements and cue the screen and audio to let you know how you are doing. Some have used Skype to attempt to train one on one. You've likely seen ads for the Weight Watcher online membership as well as many others like it.  Here they have specific food plans, and exercise videos you can download.

Advanced Virtual Fitness = More Personal Care

Technology is always advancing yet it comes down to a feeling of personal care. Nothing can replace that warm, mutual connection of affirmation and appreciation between a fitness trainer and her student. This is why trainers like myself love what we do so much! Nothing can replace the sounds, smells, and excitement of that group fitness class where you love the trainer and enjoy the others working out all around you.

Many sites attempt to offer this feeling with various coaches and trainers on video downloads. This virtual fitness is a great idea. The convenience and variety are wonderful. But they can never match the live connection between trainer and trainee. We've all heard stories of how someone was finally able to become consistent because of that coach who gave them the extra boost they needed to believe in themselves!

Convenience and the Personal Touch

What I've done is taken the convenience and affordability of online pilates workouts and found a way to stream them for maximum speed. I film and add to what has become over 100 video pilates classes for all ages. Social coupon specialist Michelle says, "It's like pilates Netflix."

Technically, that's exactly what it is.

As an online pilates coach, I wanted to make my membership as personal as my own pilates studio: first, you have direct access to me. You can email me and I will personally respond within 24 hours; second, I added a four level Weight Loss Program. Each level has video meditations, cardio pilates classes, motivation and diet articles.

As soon as you enroll with me as your online pilates coach, you'll receive regular email coaching with video encouragement right in the email! Here's the comfort zone: There is no selling, no commercials, no ads, no links to sell other people's stuff. Just personal care.

The payoff for me is that I get to train hundreds of people with online pilates and become connected with many of them while I support my family as a single mom. I believe that there will be many more like me who will give this level of personal care using all of the fantastic forms of fitness and upcoming technology there are!

The moral of the story: Do your best to keep up with new technology no matter what your age. Your life will get better and better, and you will "feel good now!"